Integrative Oncology
Over recent years the world of integrative healthcare has become more common as many people search for alternatives alongside traditional cancer care.
Integrative oncology is the use of complementary, or integrative therapies alongside conventional medicine. These therapies work together with standard treatment methods, often with a focus on nutrition, detoxification, complementary therapies, wellness from within, and the mind-body connection. The important thing to know is that integrative treatments support your body alongside conventional cancer treatments. It's not about one way or the other, its about the power of both!​ Integrative healthcare is a theme that runs through the very core of PhysioCare Holistics.
Integrative oncology looks at the underlying factors contributing to a cancer diagnosis or any other chronic health condition. Cancer is a symptom. Conventional treatment focuses on treating the tumour (the symptom), integrative oncology focuses on treating the person as a whole (the terrain where the tumour developed).
If you are curious to find out how an integrative approach can improve your wellness and what this may look for you, then get in touch today.