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Cancer Wellness Packages

A new and easy way to work with me holistically towards the wellness you desire. A fusion of specialist clinical knowledge, expert holistic healthcare AND cancer coaching and mind-body medicine rolled into one. Everything you need in one place providing you with the opportunity to embrace wellness faster. 

One of my biggest missions is to change the lives of people living alongside cancer. Whilst one-off sessions are lovely and helpful in the short term, perhaps a physiotherapy appointment every now and again, or a holistic treatment here or there, I know that it's working with me on a regular basis, blending a combination of all the services that I offer that brings you the biggest impact and transformation towards wellness. 

You may or may not know that intuition is one of my super-powers and I am very psychic. I know this may seem random alongside clinical healthcare, and very often it is just what you need - someone who knows exactly what treatment your body or mind is asking for at the time you need it most.


When you work with me within a package you will have access to any of the services included within your package whenever you choose. Alternatively I can intuitively guide you towards the treatment that is most beneficial for you during the time we have together in your session. Cancer mindset coaching and mind-body medicine techniques such as hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming are only available within a package. A course of sessions is required to feel the benefits. Just like antibiotics you need to complete the course for results to take effect.

Everything changes when you start to address the root cause

From an integrative oncology perspective cancer is the symptom. You may or may not have thought about whether you are treating the root cause or treating the symptom before now. The difference is important. Conventional medicine focuses on the physical disease rather than its underlying causes. An integrative, mind-body approach addresses the root cause and your symptoms. Both are important!

Choose your wellness package

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Cancer Wellness

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Breast Care Wellness

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Realgined Wellness

  • No more decisions about which treatment is right for you, everything you need in one package with this fusion of clinical knowledge and holistic support from a mind-body medicine perspective.

  • These wellness packages provide the added benefit of specialist cancer coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and mind-body medicine alongside the other clinical and holistic services available

  • A safe space for you to work through and process your thoughts and feelings alongside a cancer diagnosis 

  • Expert support to help you "make sense" of everything and find coping strategies that work for you with 1:1 cancer coaching or emotional and spiritual healing

  • Focusing on the underlying factors contributing to your illness means that you are addressing the root cause and treating the symptom

Cancer Wellness Package

A fusion of clinical and holistic healthcare to support you alongside cancer treatment. Choose from one month, three month or six month packages available in person or virtually from anywhere in the world


Holistic Therapies

Scar Therapy

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Cancer Coaching

Nervous System Regulation

Access to The Cancer Wellness Path Membership

Breast Care Wellness Package

A fusion of clinical and holistic healthcare designed to support you following breast surgery. Available as a one month package. This package is for in person treatments only and cannot be accessed virtually

Physiotherapy, Scar Therapy and treatment for cording or axillary web syndrome 

Holistic Therapies

Lymphatic Drainage

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Cancer Coaching

Nervous System Regulation

Access to The Cancer Wellness Path Membership

Realigned Wellness Package

Working with me at a higher level this wellness package includes a fusion of all the above PLUS emotional healing, spiritual healing and energetics work. Choose from three month, six month or 12 months support, available in person or virtually from anywhere in the world (limited availability)

Access to everything included in the Cancer Wellness and Breast Care Wellness Packages

Emotional Healing

Spiritual Healing, psychic and intuitive guidance

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Cancer Coaching

Mind-Body Medicine, Nervous System Regulation and Energetics work

Access to The Cancer Wellness Path Membership

Nothing changes if you stay the same

"If you have a cancer diagnosis, or any chronic illness, nothing will change unless you change you, in every way, in every sense. The version of you who chooses to embrace wellness alongside cancer is a different version of you who was diagnosed with cancer. Allow this to land in every cell of your body"

(Simone Grove)

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